Water & Wastewater Project
Johnson University Force Main and Pump Station
Project Details
Knox Chapman Utility District entered into an agreement to accept wastewater from Johnson University. The Johnson University campus, located in the southeast corner of Knox County, Tennessee, operated and maintained a private sewer collection system and treatment facility which discharges to the French Broad River under a National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System permit. The existing wastewater treatment facility had reached the end of its useful life and needed to be replaced by a new submersible pump station.
WK Dickson worked in conjunction with the university and utility to develop a plan that would be beneficial for both parties. This project included design, survey, permitting and construction phase services for installation of approximately 30,000 LF of 6- and 8-inch PVC force main, one 300 GPM pump station, one 260 GPM pump station, replacement of 630 LF of 12-inch gravity sewer, retro-fit of 9,200 LF of abandoned 6-inch water main to be used as sanitary sewer pressure main, and decommissioning of the existing treatment facility at Johnson University.