
SPA Airport Master Plan Update

Downtown Memorial Airport
Spartanburg, SC

WK Dickson prepared an update to the Spartanburg Downtown Memorial Airport to help guide them through proper development of the airport for the next 20-year planning period.

Project Details

Of particular focus was planning necessary to accommodate heavy aircraft use of the runway and the next runway extension and associated approaches to accommodate large corporate jet traffic from both based and itinerant operators. Additionally, this historic airfield’s former three runway configuration has been reduced to a single runway configuration. The former runway footprints became a “blank slate” for alternatives to terminal area development, and a preferred development plan was realized. With expected significant growth in based aircraft and expanding corporate aircraft operations, the runway and taxiway expansion and terminal area development proved instrumental development guidance for the city.

Blue Passenger Plane Icon

Of particular focus was planning necessary to accommodate heavy aircraft use of the runway.
